Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sleep and Wake Up

Hi. Today is Thursday. And I wasted it.

When I came back from the Oh's Farm, I was so damn tired. Then my father put his laptop on my table and he was sleeping caz he sick. =( So I couldn't use the computer. Then never mind lor... I decided to read 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Dog Days' which my brother borrowed from his friend. Read until halfway, I fell asleep. It was supposed to be funny okay! But maybe caz I was too tired... *Yawnz*.... After that, I woke up and continued reading. I was so tired I decided to lie down. Then I heard E. View band playing. Wah seh! Their sound travel from there to my house leh! So loud man! I could even hear the conductor shouting and hitting the stand with the stick! Seriously, can hear leh! And I was at the 10th storey somemore. I could also hear him scolding. xD Reminds me of Mr Tan caz he always use the stick hit the stand hard hard. Anyway, guess what song they playing? NOBODY knows! I thought only we and a few other bands playing that song... Never thought they so updated. xD Thats a compliment hor. But I think their sound not so good... Caz I could only hear one trumpet blasting and all the timing also wrong. But okay lah.... =\

Anyway, back to the post. I slept again, woke up and read, slept again and woke up and read. Then I faster read finish the whole book and I sleep again. So its like every 10 pages, sleep 5-10 minutes. After that "exercise", I was still so tired man! But I was more worried about whether I could sleep tonight.